Law class was on.BORINGGGGGGGGGGG...............................=[...cos I cannot understand wth he's trying to teach la..omg!ye yerr..*prefer Mr. Saravanam.=)*btw,i went to the briefing session for panasonic just now, and Im gonna have another training session for it.=.="..err..oh kay,have a small test of it.So,I terpaksa have to read the booklet thingy for the viera brand.=.=".

Anyways,Im off to bed now!Im so damn frigging tired!...Couldnt even concentrate in class! F.hehe...*tmr must finish my law assignment since I roughly know what to write d.hehe.*

toodleoo....nites,sweet dream!=)..


  1. Anonymous said...

    Eh, i oso get the job offer to work for panasonic.. But mine is something like selling Plasma or LCD TV geh ? well, too bad, no time for it ^^
    Err, if you wan to know more about TV things, cable things, all the terms, i knw quite well.. ^^ lolx !
    Take care !  

  2. Yvonne said...

    michael:haha!dont worry..I ll ask!!!  


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