=).Chong Wei beat that korean guy!!!oh well,so he's going to get either a gold or a silver medal!Isnt it a good new for us,as a malaysian!bahhh..some of u may just never give a hoot about it!=p

Okay,tonight?poppy club or The Curve?poppy with bryan,then I ll be so-not-me again!haha!The Curve will be joining the buddy and some kdu-ians,since the buddy ajak-ed me earlier,yea so I ll be going to The Curve tonight!=).am ready to meet ur college mate,dude!!!=)

Hmm..off to take a nap and get ready to pppaarrtttyyy hard later!*haha,no la,I ll go home earlier,and yea try not to go clubs instead of bar yea?just chilling places.=)*



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