Phew,the law assessment thingy today has just postponed to next week.=).so means I get the chance to try to do.lucky lucky me.=).Due to lack of sleep yesterday night,I was half dying in class today.The only I know is wat,s 34?,right of silence..what so ever la.Im just going to TRY to do the law assessment with a lil bit help from Michael=).

Babe Jennifer ffked me today.Bloody bitch went to the loft yesterday night.I supposed to tag along,but thinking of my studies,I just dont feel like going.*im serious!!!no joke!*....fuiyoo...look who's talking again?haha!I've changed la,to a better one.=)right michael?

Tmr,it's a busy busy day for me.class,job training,hangouts!=) most probably I ll skip my english literature class in the morning la.hehe.I just need some rest!

Anyways,a big big shoutout to my beloved buddy,

Happy Birthday to you Michael=)

U r one of my closest fren in college,
U r the one who loves offering me a ride home,*thanks wei,I appreciate it a lot=)*
U r the one who always reserve a seat for me in class,*knowing that I ll be late*
U r the one who always showing me ur tongue with the peace sign along*tsk tsk*..
U r the one who sitting beside me in english literature class*or maybe sometimes bs class.*
U r the one who always get me a pack of fruits with "guava fen"*inside jokes* during break time.
U r the one who once bought me a hot milo,cos u know that Im feeling cold in class.*so sweet of u la,michael*
U r the one who owns three shihtzu!!!!
U r the one who loves blue colour so much!!!

girls,if u get a boyfriend like him,U r the luckiest girl ever on this earth man!no jokes!!!=)*but he got gf d la*
I truly,deeply love u as a fren.=)......



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