Home Sweet Home

Hey hey hey=)..Im back!one day trip to granny's house.Hmm..Im not really sure where's that place is,but roughly know it la.Somewhere near Bidor.hehe..Oh anyways..I took some pics of the village,so here it is:-*have a nice walk with sis around the village*


blue blue sky

the sista

the shadow of us.=)

kampung ice-cream=)


till then,night..

I should call of the day now.Hmm...shit man!!!effing have to take public transport home tmr..wtf!!!!!=[...and and hope I wont be late to college tmr morning.YOR!!!!I have to give back my uniform to andy tmr at mindshare.How the hell am I suppose to give it back,class till 5 la..yorr...big big problem.tsk..=[



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