Clear off

I skipped english literature class today,just went for business studies.O.O..My lecturer even noticed about!I have to do my own presentation next week!nah!!!never gonna do it cos it was supposed to be group presentation!PLUS,Mr.Siva wanna see my personally!O.O..omg!!!he realised that I've been skipping his class so frequently.*gasp* so dead!

Im so lost now.that's so wth!omg!!!!!!!no way,no way.I dont want the same thing happen on me again!!!=(*genuinely have to effing sit there and study d,there's no such thing,same blood same weakness,haha!*

p.s:You'd probably have grown hatred for me,for God knows what had just happened that night!I applogized to u bcos I know I did something really ridiculous to u,something really WRONG.*that was embarrasing,omfg.It's gonna be my first&the last time.I swear.ignoring me might be a good idea*might be not*.If u really wanna put it that way, I'd just like to say,everything was going on,ends here.cos it's just way too complicated.Goodbye my bff2y..or maybe fbff?!peace out!

Something wrong with msn la,so hard to sign in.geram gila.tsk.



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