I dont know why I cannot sign in my msn.=(tsk.

Anyways,Im going to post up pics from bit bit's farewell when I fix joejoe's laptop yea?=)

I hate the club i went last night.Babe jen were right,the club there got so fucking many la la and mat rempit!!!fuck wei!!!....but thank god I got good company yesterday,bumped into wai chuan&jon at the main entrance there,bumped into meng hui and the gang.hehe.

I realised one thing,I dont really like to club this lately,I dont know why.and that's a good thing I guess.But I do miss clubbing with my brothers,joejoe & fat sam.hehe.=)

Im now at Starbucks Coffee,Mont Kiara with the baby!=).We went for a swim just now!omg,it was so fun,haha!We make full-used of my camera*waterproof function*

haha!gotcha Derrick!!!!!Im ur darling okay?ish!!!*inside jokes*

Anyways,I think im going to Solaris later to celebrate bit bit's farewell.But im still in the dilemma la,dont feel like clubbing this lately,haha!Babe jen ajaked us(me and sher yin) to MOS,Euphoria.haha!I wanna go to that place but it's a lil bit too far le.=(tsk.

Okay,few more hours later is woan wei's birthday.Baby was reminding herself to wish her at 12!how sweet she is,hehe.

boo!im out of here now!bye!Happy National Day,hope u guys wouldnt have to stuck in the massive jam!!!xoxo.


Hello ppl.=).Any plans for tonight?hehe

Okay,bryan will be at poppy tonight?like again.=.=".But im not going to tag along cos I just dont feel like going.hehe.hmm..So,bit bit's farewell is on anot for tonight?I got no idea,but the only thing i feel like doing now is meeting up the baby!=)miss her shhhooo much!Okay,so yea,most probably we ll just chill at the dessert's bar or some other places which is near mont kiara.See u there,bye!=)

love love!

p.s:Im craving for chocolate fondue now!!!wheee.....


My blog is not dead!!!!!hehe,my connection got prob so yea!

-wasted my time on tv,youtube,facebook!tsk!!!!
*can someone just make me study?*

-have a lil retail therapy at Lot 10,alone!!!
-have steamboat at kepong with hwang,Mr.Will.I.Am and teng teng!

-shopping spree with babe jen at one u!
*=),it was fun fun fun!!!!hehe.*
-I dropped my hp into the drain!=.="omfg!Im fucking using a fucking low-end hp now!Fat Sam doesnt wanna give me his one of his extra hp d.=(
*bahhhhh....i want the nokia one!!hehe,but i dont know what model is it?the one in ashlee simpson,outta my head's mv!*

Today,I didnt go to college instead I stay at home doing nothing!=.=".I was suppose to have dinner with darling but I couldnt make it.hehe.yor!!!!!I really have to start studying d la,I dont wanna fail my AS paper!=(

Where's my kiasu-ness???

laziness kills me kaukaukau!

Anyhoo,any plan for tmr ppl?hehe.All i wanna do is err,spend my time with the baby,it's been a while since we last met.=.=".and you called that BFF?pfft!

So,if the farewell party for bit bit is not on!I ll be meeting up the baby!=)

p.s:ryan,i cannot sign in my msn and i lost all my contact num.=(.so yea,do feel free to give me ur num again.hehe.I ll be using the same num!xoxo.=)

Okay ppl,I lost all my contact num!including YOU,hehe..so do feel free to text me and give me ur num yea?*i actually save all my contact nums to my phone memory instead of the sim card!wtf????=.="

Hey peeps,=)sneaked out from the class to the computer room to do some research for law reform.hehe.*but actually im blogging here=)*.Bye,gtg now,before babe jen slap me!haha.ciao.=)

3-7ish:takei-ing,*counter strike=.="*

Im so not good in it la!How to go to Blitz and takei with the buddy?haha!

8-till:mp3ing,smilling,watching the closing ceremony,blogging,read his blog!

damn!I thought we're following the new timetable but actaully we're not!wtf!!fri class still on,mon MORNING class still one.argh!!!!

Im off to bath now!toodleoo.=)

p.s:okay!i've just read ur blog and if the SHE is me,then u make me feel so bad!=(.u know what,i dont mean to do that.sigh.Im sorry.

Fish Leong

a song which is so damn meaningful.I love it!=)


Im feeling lonely now.=(

Im actually at the darling's hs now,hehe,waiting for her to back home!


p.s:I feel lonely not bcos Im waiting for u here alone la dar,it's just that,err...I ll tell u when we skype,after u read this!=)

Anyhoo,went to sunway pyramid instead of mv just now.omg!girls,please do ur last shopping spree next week cos the recession is going to end very soon,like 1st of sept?hehe.Okay,Happy shopping!=)

p.s:baby,we really need to talk la,settle things down before it become worse.see u tmr,love u.

Poppy club tonight? ans:no!
going out with michael? ans:no!
smill? ans:no!

The reason why I choose to stay at home bcos........the skin of my face is peeling off again.=__=".how to club leh?

Okay,college was fun today despite of the eng lit paper,cos I brought my camera to coll and I didnt even realise about it until I take my pencilbox out fromt the bag!hehe.So I decided to take pics of my college mate...since I didnt really know how to do that paper.

Here's some random pics I took during the exam.hehe.

what to write?



msging the gf!!haha!

police wannabe!=p

talk to the hand!!!

tsk tsk tsk,on the hp with the BF again!!!

mei kuan&pei yen







Okay,it's a already 5.14am.and Im still awake cos I took a super long nap just now.lmao!+ I have to wake up at 8 later to get myself prepare and berteman the darling to subang+ movie at mv!!!=)might as well just dont sleep,hehe,knowing that I ll not be waking up later if I dose off.

Hmm..joejoe is going to Krabi,Thailand for company trip later*12ish*.Im shoooo..going to miss u and double make sure u effing get the things that I want from airport yea??+ I want another souvenir from krabi!!one from airport,which is a must!..and another from krabi!2 ar bro,2 ar???hehe.

love love!!=)

Business studies is a bitch!

Im so lazy to study la........................................................................................................................................

I need motivation!!!!!monetary one!!!haha!cheh...


Law paper was today for the bloody brought forward MOCK exam!Im just err..going to fail,bcos I didnt manage to finish two of the question in paper 1 and paper 2 was so-so.I even took a short nap before I do that paper 2.=.="*so i didnt manage to complete the (d) part*.Babe jen was trying to wake me up and I told her that Im thinking how to answer.She replied back,"bullshit!wake up la"......=____=

Okay ppl,1 1/2 hours for bloody 3 question,which means 30 minutes for one question.omfg!.How to manage to finish leh?

But u die or no die,u still have to finish it all up if u wish to get an A for law in ur A-levels.=)

I tell u,it's fucking hard if u didnt even study hard!

Anways,right after class,I decided to have a lil retail therapy!=)I went to Lot 10,KL.hehe.Oh and i bumped into gian wei.hahahhaha!darling's darling no.2!

Shop Shop Shop!!!!!!=)potong stim a lil bit like what daryl said.haha!lucky him never get into NS!;)

Okay,im out of here.love.Oh wait,before im out of here,i ll love to show u guys my adorable sis!=)

elaine here,yo!

closer up!haha!

Actually she was forced to do so,fat sam forced her to do so.ahhahahahahaa!adorable right?

ATC Futsal Competition 2008


blue devils=)

jun jie&Mr.Sara


me and the "boyfriend"


yvonne&jun jie=)

Chelsea Asia Tour 2008

mini drogba=)

the crowd


i forgot his name d!=[


Happy Birthday,Alex!!!!!=)

We celebrated alex's advance birthday at Sanctuary.I wanted to go scarlet one...but joe insisted wanna go to sanctuary.=.=",it turned out fun though,haha!bumped into ling and the gang!=).such a coincidence!Okay,let the pics do the talking now!!hee.




Flaming Ferrari!haha.




chilled at mcd after that!

Something unhappy happened on that night,but nvm joe,learn from mistake!!!sigh!


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