Hey you!!!!think twice before u talk!!!!bloody biatch!what u've just said to me just now, fucking make me cry!!!Im already so damn under pressure now u still fucking wanna stress me up!!what the fuck was that?what's ur fucking purpose of doing it?huh?
I ll always remember what u said to me!!!and I ll prove u wrong!!!fucking bitch!I dont care who the fuck r u,u fucking hurt me already for no reason,and u ll fucking get back from me!!!!!BITCH!!!fuck u!!! u have wasted my time crying only!!!!*agrh*
Labels: emotional
How I wish I could have 48 hours a day?=(
A 8 years old boy get a laptop from his dad.lucky him!guess who he is?*who else?...jen mei's bro lo=p*
p.s:stop acting like a juvenile!!!!bloody hell!!Im the unfriendly kind of person?wth was that?I just walked pass u today okay?and I did say hi to u!!!..I should have just stop following u around the college?dude!!!!U r so damn FUNNY!!Since when I follow/stalk u in college.U must be kidding me!OMG!!!
I dont choose to hate u but pls dont try to play rude with me!!!I mean if u saja wanna tease me,Im okay with it but,there's always a limit you know!
oh and hmm..I skipped bs class today.=p..toodleoo.
Labels: college
Im feeling lonely now.Mummy's not around*went back to granny's hs*,babe jennifer is going to Sarawak tmr*she's going to skip one week classes,hmm..gonna miss the fight with her in class*,brother is going to Indonesia for company trip soon.*no one's there to quarrel with me*Hmm...lonely,Ms.lonely.=(..
Anyways,I went for the my job training right after my class just now.wasting my time only,keep on briefing on the same phone.ish!!!After the training,went dinner with my bro and his gf,then home!!!fuiyoo!!By the time I reached home 12 something d!=.="....waste of my time!!!!tsk!
I skipped my english literature class today.hehe.We celebrated Michael's birthday during business studies class.=)....Happy birthday Michael!!=)..We took lots of pic but Im just too lazy to post up today.hehe.I ll post it up on monday k,since Im working on weekends.
p.s:*gasp*mummy's not around,how the hell am I supposed to go and work?=(...first choice,bloody wake up early in the morning,=(.follow my bro out.second choice,err....do I look like I have a choice?*yorrr....I want my car license now!!!=(*
Shit wei,cant wait for my November holiday break!!!tsk!
p.s:miss you.=)
Phew,the law assessment thingy today has just postponed to next week.=).so means I get the chance to try to do.lucky lucky me.=).Due to lack of sleep yesterday night,I was half dying in class today.The only I know is wat,s 34?,right of silence..what so ever la.Im just going to TRY to do the law assessment with a lil bit help from Michael=).
Babe Jennifer ffked me today.Bloody bitch went to the loft yesterday night.I supposed to tag along,but thinking of my studies,I just dont feel like going.*im serious!!!no joke!*....fuiyoo...look who's talking again?haha!I've changed la,to a better one.=)right michael?
Tmr,it's a busy busy day for me.class,job training,hangouts!=)...so most probably I ll skip my english literature class in the morning la.hehe.I just need some rest!
Anyways,a big big shoutout to my beloved buddy,
Happy Birthday to you Michael=)
U r one of my closest fren in college,
U r the one who loves offering me a ride home,*thanks wei,I appreciate it a lot=)*
U r the one who always reserve a seat for me in class,*knowing that I ll be late*
U r the one who always showing me ur tongue with the peace sign along*tsk tsk*..
U r the one who sitting beside me in english literature class*or maybe sometimes bs class.*
U r the one who always get me a pack of fruits with "guava fen"*inside jokes* during break time.
U r the one who once bought me a hot milo,cos u know that Im feeling cold in class.*so sweet of u la,michael*
U r the one who owns three shihtzu!!!!
U r the one who loves blue colour so much!!!
girls,if u get a boyfriend like him,U r the luckiest girl ever on this earth man!no jokes!!!=)*but he got gf d la*
I truly,deeply love u as a fren.=)......
Good morning!=)..
For once I blog early in the morning.=)tee hee.actually I didnt sleep for the whole night.=.=".I just couldnt sleep.Hmm...*weird weird*so not me!!!
Anyways,Im off to accompany my mum now,to the place that she usually go.mummy's girl ma?O.O..look who's talking?ish..hehe.Since it's not the place that Im willing to go,Im just gonna sleep inside the car.=)instead of jogging?like durh man...I hate jogging.cos I got no effing stamina.I think I should quit la.tsk.
p.s:finally,I can see u online!=)*winks*
Labels: random
TODAY,college was kinda fun.We,jen&I put a prank on Taranjit!!!!!muahahhaha!!!!gotcha!!!
Hmm..Ms.Sivanes was asking some question*orally*(one by one) in class today.Something which is so damn effing embarassing happened,
Ms.Sivanes:Michael dont have to answer*cos his group was the one who presented that particular scene*,so the one sitting beside have to answer.
Which is either me or pei yen,bloody Praveen fucking go shout my name,
turned back and whispered to him.
Yvonne:shut the fuck up la..
and hmm...actually ppl behind me can really read my lips,and hmm..they lofl!!!!malu gila.....
Yvonne:u can hear what I said just now.?.
Jen:durh...so fucking loud.
Yvonne:damn!*feel damn malu*=(
YESTERDAY.was lagi fun.meet up with joe,like as usual...we decided to study!!!yea,study!! I did okay*at least few pages la*Alex joined us later.=)woot!woot!*since when was the last time we meet up huh?*.........and hmm....Simon the so zhai!!!haha!!!....whenever I see him,my face will be in the super bad condition one!this fellow jinx me la!=p
We crapped a lot of jokes!like super lame one...berchit-chat,express it out our stressful-ness of life.
Sometimes,I do really feel like going back to high school.
miss the party call a lot.
miss the oh-must-have-breakfast-together-before-we-go-to-school.=)..
miss going to genting late night for no reason,saja wanna drive up there!
sweet memories!
Renunciation remains sorrow,then why the hell I still wanna let it go?
No business studies class for today.=)tee hee.I wasnt late for my law class today,but I have to sit at the back there.=.=".So,I wasnt really concentrating in class.tsk.IM SO FUCKING LOST NOW,even in Mr.Sara's class.Damn it.3 more months to our AS paper.=(...Shit shit!!!!
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!DAMN IT!
Btw,funny conversation of me and babe jen*when we saw something which is an eyesore for us*
me:yor....I cant stand his fuglyness la.....
jen:haha!!!!how to say fugly in mandarin?
me:yong sui-ness.??haha!!!
jen:HAHA!what?yong sui-ness?
me:haha...yea...that's in cantonese..
me&jen:*stare at the same spot AGAIN!then give each other a wtf look!*
Again,work was fun today.=)..hmm..pictures will tell u everything.so yea...hehe..
The world's manliest man went 2 the Guiness Book of World Records check whether he is still the manliest person on Earth.
He came out yelling,who the hell is Wong Yi Wen!=P
HAHA!buddy u made my day wei,omg!!!!what a word,manliest?...Did i really do something in college and makes u think that Im the man!!!???hmm....Im wondering.*no,i dont think so la*
Im giving up.It was only a fairytale that i've been chasing up.*im so damn stupid,oh my.*But anyway,I had fun when u're around me.Maybe Im a small kid to u,but I do really love you.sounds yuck but that's true.=)hehe.the previous post sounds a lil bit mean but....hmm...dont know la.Im confused.
Okay,work was fun today.=).bumped into Alan.omg.=).small world small world.haha!He was the emcee for my first job in genting.*that's how I met him*And hmm..he's the dj for the eletrical fair today as well.
I was trying so hard for not letting them recognizing me that Im actually the yvonne that work for lg mobile.haha!but actually they recognized me!=.="wtf!even Rannie recognized me!oh well.But hello?maybe I work for LG,but it's only mobile right?not pc oso,so hmm..I think it's okay if i work for panasonic,the viera brand!=)...Alan was like,no..there's a conflict!=.=".haha!wtv!
and once again,Im at the bottom of everything now,who's going to give me a hand?
there's no one but only me can help myself..*maybe my bro la,the brainwasher*
it's that supposed to be karma?????
hmm...Im wondering..
I skipped english literature class today,just went for business studies.O.O..My lecturer even noticed about it.wtf!I have to do my own presentation next week!nah!!!never gonna do it cos it was supposed to be group presentation!PLUS,Mr.Siva wanna see my personally!O.O..omg!!!he realised that I've been skipping his class so frequently.*gasp*oh.my.god.Im so dead!
Im so lost now.that's so wth!omg!!!!!!!no way,no way.I dont want the same thing happen on me again!!!=(*genuinely have to effing sit there and study d,there's no such thing,same blood same weakness,haha!*
p.s:You'd probably have grown hatred for me,for God knows what had just happened that night!I applogized to u bcos I know I did something really ridiculous to u,something really WRONG.*that was embarrasing,omfg.It's gonna be my first&the last time.I swear.ignoring me might be a good idea*might be not*.If u really wanna put it that way, I'd just like to say,everything was going on,ends here.cos it's just way too complicated.Goodbye my bff2y..or maybe fbff?!peace out!
Something wrong with msn la,so hard to sign in.geram gila.tsk.
Labels: clarification, college
tee hee.muahahahhaha!!!...feel like laughing now like a mad girl!!!hahahahahhahahaha!!!!*for some reason*
Anyways,love my penasonic job=),I just have to give out the flyers and enjoy playing Nintendo Wii.*syoknya,was playing tennis Nintendo Wii the whole day,since there's not much flyers for us to give out!*=).muahahhahaha!!!relaxing gila.+qing&jen mei came over to meet me for lunch!*aw,so nice of u guys*and and my bro&his girlfriend came over to find me during my second break!=)*coincidentally one la*
I felt so damn effing unlucky at first cos actually I forgot to bring my purse.=.=".that's so wtf!!!But fortunately,I met my frens&bro!!!muahahhahaha!!!!lucky me!=)
p.s:eh bro,fucking nice lyrics u created with the song of American Boy man!!!*fucking mad chick*HAHAHA!!!He was actually sing it fucking loud while he's using the toilet.=.="biatch!!
joe sings:hey sister,u fucking get drunk yesterday night.......and being like a fucking mad chick.....*err..actually it's kinda long,not going to write it all out*
after few minutes,he still keep on fucking sing it out.
joe:*give me the wtf look*fucking mad chick!
joe:fucking mad chick!
HAHAHAHA!so zhai fellow!Okay,im off to sleep now,have to wake up early in the morning tmr!nights=)
P.S:Im sorry.=(..really sorry.*to whom I should say sorry to*
"Empty"-The Click Five
Tried to take a picture
Of love
Didn't think I'd miss her
That much
I want to fill this new frame
But its empty
Tried to write a letter
In ink
Its been getting better
I think
I got a piece of paper
But its empty
Its empty
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
And I've even wondered
If we
Should be getting under
These sheets
We could lie in this bed
But its empty
Its empty
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
We're empty
We're empty
p.s:love this song=)
Labels: lyrics
I went for the bloody replacement class for business studies just now.I should have just stay at home and rest,since Im going to work tmr.=(..Anyways,Im going to skip my wednesday and thursday class.*gasp*..saje wanna work la.hehe.Oh btw,here's the funny conversation btw me and babe jen just now in bs class.
me:eh babe,Im going to work tmr.*smile*=)
jen:*give me the wtf look!*
me:HAHA!!!!!and hmm..Im going to skip law class on thursday too.
jen:shut up!!!
If sher yin knows Im working.She will be there mumbling....blablablabla..haha!!!!=)the bff!
Okay,Im off to do what im supposed to do now!!!=)toodleoo.
Labels: college
I got business studies & law class for today,half-dying there,too tired to study+ I was sitting at the back there...I couldnt really concentrate during business studies class so I decided to sleep in the class.haha!!!Since Jennifer wasnt there to ber-gossip with me.=)..Law class was a like a motivation class today.=.="..He just touched up a lil bit of judicial tool &turning point after our break.So it's time for me to do do some catch up!!=)*Im motivated to study,before it's too late*
Oh,and we did find out something funny today!haha!!!...You've grown up boy!haha!!!
Okay,Nerd mode's been activated!!!!Michael,u're with me right?hehe..toodleoo.=)
Labels: college
Happy Father's Day=)
p.s:I couldnt have dinner with u today cos I have to work.=(.really sorry daddy..
Labels: Father's day
It's okay with it kenny&andrew.=).but seriously that's a fucked up club ever man!!!!!=p
*working day*
Labels: clubbing
Happy Birthday to My Beloved Momma!!!=)
Sorry for always being the rude one among four of us,
Sorry for being so impatient whenever u talk to me.hehe.
I promise u..
Im gonna take my license asap,
Im not gonna mention the eff word in front of u anymore,
Im going to bath earlier next time,
I can wake myself up next time,
Im not gonna proscastinate next time.
and last but not least,
IM NOT GONNA LET U BRAINWASH BY OTHERS!!!* you know who you are*
mum's fren.=)
Labels: birthday
No comment of this summer splash thingy,cos I was half dead,so damn frigging tired!!!But I was lucky enough to bump into jia wen,zhee yi &whey jinn...oh and Yuen Ching!=)..Anyways,picture time!!=)
me,jen mei&yuen ching:=.="..oh!
Labels: summer splash
Business studies class was cancelled.AGAIN!!!He should have just informed ur earlier.Grr!Times Square was our choice instead of Midvalley.=).

Labels: outings with college mate